Multimatte is our latest freebie for After Effects that makes a matte from the alpha channels of several layers combined together.

We’re on discord
We are on Discord - pop in and talk about character animation in After Effects!

rigging dogs in after effects
If you need to animate a dog in After Effects, it can help to know how dog limbs actually work.

Arc Checker for After Effects
Arcs are fundamental to good animation, but the movement of parented layers isn’t always so easy to keep track of. Check out our latest freebie and see how your layers are REALLY moving.

How to rig with Limber Lite
We have two new videos especially for After Effects users who want to animate IK characters for the first time, using Limber Lite.

Introducing Limber Lite
If you want to get started with character rigging and animation in After Effects, but you aren’t ready to commit to learning a complex tool, Limber Lite is here to save your day.

How to loop a path in After Effects - and still be able to edit it
After Effects Paths don't work with the loopOut expression. The workaround expressions prevent you from changing the path shapes. Here we show you how to get around this and keep editing your path whilst it loops.