Toon Flare

Nick Greenawalt is one of my favourite guys on YouTube right now and so when he hit me up asking about how to make a lens flare in After Effects, I got straight to work making one for him inside a single shape layer.

A couple weeks later and we’d turned it into a full-blown, free script that doesn’t just generate very cool lens flares, it also randomizes them, making it so much fun to use whether you dive in to editing the flare yourself, or just roll the dice and see what the algorithm comes up with.

Nick and I were both inspired by the kind of flares that Fraser Davidson at Cub Studio seems to use a lot. Take this for example:

Quite a lot of After Effects scripts just do something you could already do yourself, faster. I love making tools that go beyond that and provide users with new visual possibilities. If you make something amazing with Toon Flare, tag us @animatabledotco or try using #toonflare.

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